Recently, Hubert Algie was asked to present at the Institute of Surveyors Victoria (ISV) Summer Seminar 2019 conference on the topic of mediation and negotiation. This invitation followed a newsflash earlier this year on the topic (See article here).
The presentation outlined the basics of what a mediation and negotiation is then outlined seven key skills from mediation and negotiation that could assist surveyors resolve disputes:
• listening;
• building trust;
• zone of possible agreement;
• best and worst alternatives to a negotiated agreement;
• understanding anchoring;
• information gathering and problem solving.
Kellehers Australia commends Hubert Algie on his invitation and we understand the conference was well attended and presentation was well received.
As regular readers would know, Hubert Algie is invited each year to teach Dispute Resolution – Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration at the prestigious Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany).
Deciding between the need to Mediate vs Negotiate is difficult and requires expert attention. Kellehers Australia offers expert mediation skills. If you find yourself in a dispute, Hubert Algie is extremely well placed to apply his mediation and negotiation skills to resolving the issue promptly and cost-effectively.
Mr Hubert Algie
2 February 2019
Copyright © Kellehers Australia 2018
This fact sheet is intended only to provide a summary and general overview on matters of interest. It does not constitute legal advice. You should always seek legal and other professional advice which takes account of your individual circumstances.
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